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  1. H. Cherkaoui, T. Moreau, P. Ciuciu, B. Fernandez, M. Bottlaender, N. Tournier, and C. Leroy. Characterization of the haemodynamic response function after a buprenorphine challenge study in human healthy volunteer. In Organization for Human Brain Mapping. Virtual-only Conference, 2021.

  2. H. Cherkaoui, T. Moreau, A. Halimi, and P. Ciuciu. fMRI BOLD signal decomposition using a multivariate low-rank model. In 27th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO). Spain, 2019.

  3. H. Cherkaoui, T. Moreau, A. Halimi, C. Leroy, and P. Ciuciu. Multivariate semi-blind deconvolution of fMRI time series. NeuroImage, 2021.