API Documentation

Sparse Low Rank Decomposition Analysis

hemolearn.BDA(n_atoms, t_r[, n_times_atom, …])

Blind Deconvolution Analysis (BDA) is a algorithm to distangle the neural activation and the haemodynamic contributions in the fMRI data (BOLD signal).

hemolearn.deconvolution.blind_deconvolution_multiple_subjects(X, …)

Multivariate Blind Deconvolution main function for mulitple subjects.

hemolearn.deconvolution.multi_runs_blind_deconvolution_multiple_subjects(X, …)

Multiple initialization parallel running version of blind_deconvolution_single_subject.

Vascular atlas


Fetch the BASC brain atlas given its resolution.


Fetch the Harvard-Oxford brain atlas given its resolution.


Fetch the AAL brain atlas given its resolution.


Fetch the AAL3 brain atlas given its resolution.

Generating synthesis data


Generate simulated BOLD data with its temporal components z and the corresponding maps u.

Convolution functions

hemolearn.convolution.make_toeplitz(v, …)

Make Toeplitz matrix from given kernel to perform valid convolution.

Haemodynamic Response Function models

hemolearn.hrf_model.hrf_2_basis(t_r, …)

Double gamma HRF 2 basis function.

hemolearn.hrf_model.hrf_3_basis(t_r, …)

Double gamma HRF 3 basis function.

hemolearn.hrf_model.scaled_hrf(delta, t_r[, …])

Double gamma scaled HRF.

Plotting functions


Plot vascular map.


Plot spatial maps.

hemolearn.plotting.plot_temporal_activations(z, t_r)

Plot temporal activations.

Utilities functions

hemolearn.utils.sort_by_expl_var(u, z, v, …)

Sorted the temporal the spatial maps and the associated activation by explained variance.

hemolearn.utils.fwhm(t_r, hrf)

Return the full width at half maximum of the HRF.

hemolearn.utils.tp(t_r, hrf)

Return time to peak oh the signal of the HRF.